Appareil de mesure granulométrique




Chaque ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizerc avec interface USB et logiciel logiciel ImageSizing ISS préinstallé
sur l’ordinateur fourni, avec écran, clavier, souris.

* sans matériel informatique en cas de livraison dans les pays de la CEI

Choisissez en fonction l'application de mesure nécessaire, par voie sèche ou par voie humide !
Pour mesure par voie sèche, veuillez commander les objectifs télécentrique selon la plage de mesure souhaitée. Pour mesure par voie liquide, veuillez sélectionner l'une des modules de dispersion par voie humide, les objectifs télécentrique en fonction de la plage de mesure souhaitée et, le cas échéant, la boîte à ultrasons séparément.

En ce qui concerne la division représentative d'échantillons - la base de toute analyse précise - nous recommandons d'utiliser le
diviseur d'échantillons rotatif LABORETTE 27

Maintenance et recalibrage des appareils possibles sur demande. Imprimante couleurs à jet d’encre et imprimante laser disponibles sur demande.

objectifs télécentriques pour mesure par voie sèche des poudres et matières en vrac, Lentilles et support, trémie d'alimenation et entonnoir

Fritsch telecentric lenses for Particle Sizer Anaysette 28

Choisissez l'objectif adapté au type de mesure.

Pour utiliser l'ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer, vous aurez besoin d'au moins un objectif télécentrique. Trois objectifs télécentriques aux plages de mesure différentes sont disponibles. Commandez l'objectif souhaité séparément en fonction de l'application de mesure. Ils peuvent tous être rééquipés à tout moment et sont faciles à remplacer.

CHOISISSEZ objectif télécentrique

Objectifs avec support, alimentateur et entonnoir à échantillons

telecentric lens enlargement 0.157x
N° 28.2060.00
telecentric lens enlargement 0.157x

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.157x with feeder 50 mm and sample funnel 2000 ml (measuring range ~ 90 µm – 20 mm, depth of field ~ 27 mm), for dry measurement of powders and bulk solids.

telecentric lens enlargement 0.243x
N° 28.2070.00
telecentric lens enlargement 0.243x

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.243x with feeder 50 mm and sample funnel 2000 ml (measuring range ~ 60 µm – 14.5 mm, depth of field ~ 11 mm), for dry measurement of powders and bulk solids.

telecentric lens enlargement 0.35x
N° 28.2061.00
telecentric lens enlargement 0.35x

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.35x with feeder 20 mm and sample funnel 250 ml (measuring range ~ 40 µm – 9 mm, depth of field ~ 5 mm), for dry measurement of powders and bulk solids.

telecentric lens enlargement 0.735x
N° 28.2062.00
telecentric lens enlargement 0.735x

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.735x with feeder 20 mm and sample funnel 250 ml (measuring range ~ 20 µm – 4.5 mm, depth of field ~ 1.2 mm), for dry measurement of powders and bulk solids.


Wet dispersion unit for the Particle Sizer Analysette 28 ImageSizer for wet measurement

Choisissez une unité de dispersion par voie humide et, selon la tâche de mesure, l'objectif télécentrique et les accessoires appropriés !

La dispersion par voie liquide est particulièrement adaptée pour les particules fines, les matériaux qui s'écoulent mal, qui s'agglomèrent finement ou qui sont collants et qui ne réagissent pas avec l'eau ou d'autres liquides. Choisissez simplement le coffret ultrasons si vous mesurez souvent des échantillons qui ont tendance à s'agglomérer.

CHOISISSEZ un module des dispersion par voie liquide et l'accessoire

Modules de sispersion par voie liquide et coffret ultrasons

wet dispersion unit - suitable for many liquids
N° 28.2600.00
wet dispersion unit - suitable for many liquids

Wet dispersion unit incl. flow measuring cell for automatic dispersion, volume 150-500 ml - suitable for dispersion liquids like water, alcohol and many organic solvents.

A powerful centrifugal pump with individually adjustable speed ensures optimal transport of even heavy, high density particles in the wet dispersion unit – enabling fast, uniform distribution of the sample material in the entire circuit. SOP’s for easy operation, the completely free programmable dispersion process, the automatic cleaning ensure fast and reproducible measuring results.

All parts inside the wet dispersion unit, which come into contact with the dispersion medium are made of high-quality stainless steel 316L, PTFE, FFKM, FEP, POM, BK7 glass and FKM. The connection hoses and the drain hose are made of silicone.

If you are working with extremely aggressive chemical dispersion liquids, order the wet dispersion unit EXTENDED for extreme chemical resistance with article number 28.2700.00. A list providing an overview of chemicals can be downloaded here.

Read details about our wet dispersion unit

wet dispersion unit EXTENDED for extreme chemical resistance
N° 28.2700.00
wet dispersion unit EXTENDED for extreme chemical resistance

Wet dispersion unit EXTENDED incl. flow measuring cell for automatic dispersion, volume 150-500 ml - suitable for extremely aggressive chemical dispersion liquids.

A powerful centrifugal pump with individually adjustable speed ensures optimal transport of even heavy, high density particles in the wet dispersion unit – enabling fast, uniform distribution of the sample material in the entire circuit. SOP’s for easy operation, the completely free programmable dispersion process, the automatic cleaning ensure fast and reproducible measuring results.

All parts inside the wet dispersion unit EXTENDED, which come into contact with the dispersion medium are made of high-quality stainless steel 316L, PTFE, FFKM, FEP and BK7 glass. The connection hoses are made of silicone, inside of hoses made of FEP and the drain hose is made of TPE. For dispersion liquids, such as water, alcohol or most organic solvents, wet dispersion, article number 28.2600.00, is sufficient. A list providing an overview of chemicals can be downloaded here.

Read details about our wet dispersion unit

Ultrasonic box for 200-240 V/1~
N° 22.9270.00
Ultrasonic box for 200-240 V/1~

for dispersion with ultrasonic with max. 50 Watt ultrasonic output,
variably adjustable for 200-240 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, 60 Watt

If you measure sample material frequently that tends to agglomerate, you can equip your ANALYSETTE  additionally with a powerful ultrasonic box which is simply inserted into the sample circulation system. It allows for an even finer adjustment of the wet dispersion to the respective sample material and operates extremely quietly with less than 45 dB.

All parts inside the ultrasonic box, which come into contact with the dispersion medium are made of high-quality stainless steel 316Land FFKM.

Ultrasonic box for 100-120 V/1~
N° 22.9280.00
Ultrasonic box for 100-120 V/1~

for dispersion with ultrasonic with max. 50 Watt ultrasonic output,
variably adjustable for 100-120 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, 60 Watt

If you measure sample material frequently that tends to agglomerate, you can equip your ANALYSETTE additionally with a powerful ultrasonic box which is simply inserted into the sample circulation system. It allows for an even finer adjustment of the wet dispersion to the respective sample material and operates extremely quietly with less than 45 dB.

All parts inside the ultrasonic box, which come into contact with the dispersion medium are made of high-quality stainless steel 316L and FFKM.

Cover sample bath for wet dispersion unit
N° 22.9515.00
Cover sample bath for wet dispersion unit

for covering the sample bath of the wet dispersion unit.

The cover provides safe splash protection during filling, dispersion and rinsing.

Connection kit for wet module
N° 28.2690.00
Connection kit for wet module

With the connection kit for the wet module, the A-28 and A-22 can be combined with each other.

Objectifs avec support

telecentric lens enlargement 0.35x
N° 28.2017.00
telecentric lens enlargement 0.35x

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.35x (measuring range ~ 20 µm – 3000 µm, depth of field ~ 5 mm), for wet measurement of suspensions and bulk emulsions.

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.735x
N° 28.2018.00
Telecentric lens enlargement 0.735x

Telecentric lens enlargement 0.735x (measuring range ~ 10 µm – 2000 µm, depth of field ~ 1.2 mm), for wet measurement of suspensions and bulk emulsions.

Telecentric lens enlargement 1.333x
N° 28.2501.00
Telecentric lens enlargement 1.333x

Telecentric lens enlargement 1.333x (measuring range ~ 5 µm – 1000 µm, depth of field ~ 0.5 mm), for wet measurement of suspensions and bulk emulsions.

Pièces de rechange modules de dispersion par voie liquide

Measuring cell glass 4 mm for flow measuring cell
N° 22.8566.26

Replacement measuring cell glass 4 mm for inserting into the flow measuring cell of the wet dispersion unit 28.2600.00.

Easy cleaning and exchange of the measuring cell
The measuring cell for the ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer is simply inserted from the front into the instrument as a practical cartridge and can be opened without tools with an eccentric lock. Its cleaning is quite convenient by an easily re-insertable outer seal. And also the exchange of the measuring cell glasses can be done any time completely uncomplicated.

Accessoires pour calibration cetifiée

Deux plaques de calibrage différentes sont à votre disposition pour calibrer le granulomètre ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer. Choisissez la plaque de calibrage correspondant à l'objectif utilisé.


Plaques de calibrage

Calibration plate with 0.5 mm dots
N° 28.2224.00
Calibration plate with 0.5 mm dots

Calibration plate with 0.5 mm dots with certificate for telecentric lenses enlargement 0.157x, 0.243x and 0.35x.

Calibration plate with 0.125 mm dots
N° 28.2225.00
Calibration plate with 0.125 mm dots

Calibration plate with 0.125 mm dots with certificate for telecentric lenses enlargement 0.735x and 1.333x

IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format - implementation by customer)
N° 96.0090.00
IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format - implementation by customer)

IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format - implementation by customer) for the independent utilization for the support of instrument qualification in the quality management system for the Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer.

Jessica Seifert
FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing
Industriestrasse 8
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Téléphone +49 67 84 70 0


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