Granulomètre laser


NeXT Micro


Chaque unité de mesure ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Micro avec interface USB, est livrée avec un ordinateur* avec le logiciel MaS control déjà installé, écran, clavier et souris.

*sans matériel informatique pour les livraisons dans les pays de la CEI

Choisissez les accessoires exactement selon vos besoins
L'ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Micro est développé selon un concept modulaire intelligent. Vous n'achetez que ce dont vous avez réellement besoin. Vous pouvez ainsi évoluer en toute flexibilité en fonction de vos besoins en matière granulométrie. Des modules peuvent être ajoutés à tout moment, et nous développons constamment notre portefeuille. Nous proposons une unité de dispersion à voie sèche et humide. De plus, vous pouvez choisir un coffret ultrasons, une sonde de pH, des kits de transformation pour résistance extrême aux produits chimiques, des dispositifs d’aspiration, un compresseur, des matériaux de référence, des certificats et des pièces de rechange.

Pour une division d'échantillons représentative - le fondement de toute analyse précise - nous recommandons le
Diviseur d'échantillons à cône rotatif LABORETTE 27

Unité de dispersion par voie sèche et accessoires

La dispersion à sec est spécialement adaptée aux matériaux pas trop fins, fluide et qui réagissent dans l'eau ou d'autres liquides. Pour des quantités d'échantillons de moins de 1 cm3 à environ 300 cm3.

Un système d'aspiration externe est nécessaire pour assurer l'évacuation automatique de l'échantillon pendant la mesure. Une fois la mesure terminée, il peut également être facilement utilisé pour nettoyer manuellement le dispositif d'alimentation. Deux systèmes d'aspiration différents sont disponibles et peuvent être commandés en tant qu'accessoires FRITSCH avec l'instrument.

Choisissez l'unité de dispersion par voie sèche et accessoires

Unité de dispersion par voie sèche et accessoires

Dry dispersion unit
N° 22.9300.00
Dry dispersion unit

Automatic dry dispersion unit for sample volumes from less than 1 cm3 up to approx. 300 cm3 - especially suited for not too fine, free-flowing materials, which react in water or other liquids.

The ultra-compact dry dispersion unit has a height-adjustable funnel and stirrer made of stainless steel ensuring optimum sample feeding adapted to the respective sample material. All parts that come into contact with the sample can be easily dismantled - thus guaranteeing absolutely fast and easy cleaning. Also the measuring cell of the ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT can be opened without tools by means of an eccentric lock. Its cleaning is quite convenient by an easily re-insertable outer seal. And also the exchange of the measuring cell glasses can be done any time completely uncomplicated.

In dry measurement the sample material is transported with a vibratory feeder through the intake funnel into the dry measuring cell, where it falls directly into a Venturi nozzle operating with an adjustable flow of compressed air. Upon passing through the nozzle, agglomerates are broken up and the measurement of the particle size dispersion in the laser beam takes place directly afterwards.

protection box for measuring cell for practical storing of the wet resp. dry measuring cell
N° 22.9125.00

for practical storing of the wet resp. dry measuring cell

dust exhaust system, dust category „M” according to DIN EN 60335-2-69
N° 43.9070.00
Exhaust system, dust category "M" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69

The exhaust system, dust category "M" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69 for 230 V/1~, 50/60 Hz, 1600 Watt is versatile:

For combination with the high performance and small volume cyclones.
To operate the FRITSCH Cyclones you need an exhaust system. The strong airflow ensures simple feeding, increases throughput, and reduces the thermal load of the samples. The high performance and small volume Cyclone separator can be combined with Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19, the Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETTE 14 premium line and classic line. The small volume cyclone can also be combined with the Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETE 14 premium line and classic line even for passive utilisation – without sample exhaust.
The high-performance cyclone is ideal for combination with the Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19 large, the Cross Beater Mill PULVERISETTE 16 and the Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 premium line for optimal sample extraction and for comminution of larger quantities.

For cooling of the Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETTE 14 premium line
By connecting the exhaust system with the connecting piece order no. 14.8128.00, the cooling of the mill can easily be enhanced.

For connecting to Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 premium line
The exhaust is simply connected to the PULVERISETTE 13 premium line and operated via a start and stop button on the instrument – for dust free comminution.

For connecting to the Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1, Modell I + II classic line
Simply connect the exhaust system to the integrated connection of the PULVERISETTE 1. Fine dust arising during comminution is automatically removed. The exhaust system is also very useful when cleaning the grinding parts.

For connecting to the Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 classic line
The exhaust system can be easily connected to the PULVERISETTE 13 classic line. Fine dust arising during comminution is automatically removed. The exhaust system is also very useful when cleaning the grinding parts.

For exhaustion of the sample during dry measurement with the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT
An exhaust system is necessary to ensure automatic sample exhaustion during dry measurement. When the measurement is completed it can also be easily used to manually clean the feeder.

Please note that the exhaust system article no. 43.9070.00, is not equipped with a fine filter and therefore dust may escape. Please consider the valid occupational health and safety regulations. This exhaust system is mostly recommended for dust-free grinding and the vacuuming of during the process developing fine dust in the upper part of the grinding chamber and for the cleaning of the grinding parts.

For vacuuming of the sample during dry measurement with the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT, we recommended we recommend the exhaust system article no. 43.9060.00, which is equipped with a hose and an ultra-fine filter of dust class "H" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69, so that the escape of fine dust is reduced.

Exhaust system with hose and ultra-fine filter, dust category "H" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69
N° 43.9060.00
Exhaust system with hose and ultra-fine filter, dust category "H" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69

For 230 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, 1000 Watt
This exhaust system is equipped with a hose and ultra-fine filter of the dust category "H" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69, so the escape of fine dust is avoided. This exhaust system is especially recommended for the vacuuming of the sample during the dry measurement with the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT. 
Another exhaust system is offered; please refer to article no. 43.9070.00. Please note that this exhaust system is not equipped with a fine filter and therefore dust may escape. Please consider the valid occupational health and safety regulations. This exhaust system is mostly recommended for dust-free grinding and the vacuuming of during the process developing fine dust in the upper part of the grinding chamber and for the cleaning of the grinding parts. 

compressor (external) if no oil-, water- and particle-free supply of compressed air is available
N° 22.2905.00

For 230 V/1~, 108 l/min oil-free

For the operation of the dry dispersion unit if no oil-, water- and particle-free supply of compressed air with a pressure of at least 5 bar and an air volume of at least 125 l/min is available.

Pièces de rechange pour dispositifs d'aspiration

fleece filter bag for exhaust system (pack = 5 pieces) for exhaust system 43.9070.00
N° 43.9055.00

1 pack = 5 pieces
One pack is included in the scope of delivery of the exhaust system (article No. 43.9070.00).
These fleece filter bags should be used for the vacuuming off of fine, dry materials.
For the vacuuming off of coarse, wet materials are plastic bags available (article no. 43.9052.00).

plastic bag for exhaust system (pack = 5 pieces) for exhaust system 43.9070.00
N° 43.9052.00

1 pack = 5 pieces

One pack is included in the order of the exhaust system (article No. 43.9070.00).
These plastic bags should be used for the vacuuming off of coarse, wet materials.
For the vacuuming off of fine, dry materials are paper filter bags available (article no. 43.9055.00).

safety filter bag (pack = 3 pieces) for exhaust system 43.9060.00
N° 43.9065.00

1 Pack = 3 pieces 
One pack is included in the order of the exhaust system (article no. 43.9060.00)

ultra-fine filter for exhaust system 43.9060.00
N° 43.9066.00

1 piece is included in the order of the exhaust system (article no. 43.9060.00).

Unités de dispersion par voie humide et accessoires

Wet dispersion unit for the Particle Sizer Analysette 28 ImageSizer for wet measurement

Pour la plupart des échantillons, la dispersion humide représente la méthode idéale de préparation pour la mesure de la taille des particules. Pour cette raison, nous proposons un système de dispersion humide assez puissant, flexible et modulaire.

Une sonde pH est proposée pour surveiller en continu la valeur du pH du liquide de dispersion - elle couvre les fluctuations de manière beaucoup plus efficace que le potentiel zêta.

Pour travailler avec des liquides de dispersion chimique extrêmement agressifs, commandez l'unité de dispersion humide avec le kit de conversion Extended pour une résistance chimique extrême.

Choisissez l'unité de dispersion par voie sèche, la sonde pH, le kit de transformation pour résistance extrême aux produits chimiques et les accessoires

Unité de Dispersion par voie humide et accessoires

Wet dispersion unit
N° 22.9200.00
Wet dispersion unit

Automatic wet dispersion unit, volume 150-500 ml, suitable for most samples.

A powerful centrifugal pump with individually adjustable speed ensures stable measuring in the dispersion unit of the ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT. It also transports heavy particles and facilitates a fast and uniform distribution of the sample material in the entire circulation system. Standard programs for simple operation, freely programmable dispersion process, an especially fast and efficient automatic cleaning and many other advantages also simplify your work. And ensure the quality of your measuring results.

Read details about our Wet Dispersion Unit here

Cover sample bath for wet dispersion unit
N° 22.9515.00
Cover sample bath for wet dispersion unit

for covering the sample bath of the wet dispersion unit.

The cover provides safe splash protection during filling, dispersion and rinsing.

pump (external) if no no suitable media connection is available
N° 22.9290.00

for filling the wet dispersion unit if no suitable media connection is available

protection box for measuring cell for practical storing of the wet resp. dry measuring cell
N° 22.9125.00

for practical storing of the wet resp. dry measuring cell

pH probe
N° 22.9500.00
pH probe

for simple, continuous monitoring of the pH value of the dispersion liquid

The new pH sensor is installed as a module in the dispersion bath and connected to the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT. It continuously measures the pH value during the measurement and automatically transfers the determined values to the software for documentation.

This method covers fluctuations much more effectively than the zeta potential and offers many advantages, especially in the area of research and development.

The pH value is much broader, especially with measurements in the field of nano-suspensions. Its monitoring provides valuable information about how and when a chemically inert material, for example, reacts to alkalis, depending on the environment. If the curve is unstable and varies during measurement, the pH value helps with stabilization and interpretation. The pH measurement process introduced by FRITSCH enables to observe these values precisely. The detection of agglomeration or aggregation is also much easier.

Conversion kit Extended for extreme chemical resistance for wet dispersion unit
N° 22.9287.00
Conversion kit Extended for extreme chemical resistance for wet dispersion unit

for wet dispersion unit consisting of seals, flow plate and hoses

The conversion kit Extended for extreme chemical resistance consists of seals and flow plate made of FFKM – inside of the hoses are made of FEP.
If you are working with extremely aggressive chemical dispersion liquids, you can order the wet dispersion unit with this conversion kit for extreme chemical resistance.
If you already have an instrument, you can order the conversion kit separately to retrofit your equipment.

A list providing an overview of chemicals can be downloaded here:
List of suitable chemicals

Conversion kit Extended for extreme chemical resistance for wet dispersion unit in combination with ultrasonic box
N° 22.9288.00
Conversion kit Extended for extreme chemical resistance for wet dispersion unit in combination with ultrasonic box

for wet dispersion unit in combination with ultrasonic box consisting of seals, flow plate and hoses

The conversion kit Extended for extreme chemical resistance consists of seals and flow plate made of FFKM – inside of the hoses are made of FEP.
If you are working with extremely aggressive chemical dispersion liquids, you can order the wet dispersion unit with this conversion kit for extreme chemical resistance.
If you already have an instrument, you can order the conversion kit separately to retrofit your equipment.

A list providing an overview of chemicals can be downloaded here:
List of suitable chemicals

Oil Dispersion Unit

Oil dispersion unit - suitable for viscous liquids
N° 22.9400.00
Oil dispersion unit - suitable for viscous liquids

The wet dispersion unit for viscous liquids for automatic dispersion volume (150-500 ml) is now available and can be ordered under article no. 22.9400.00. It's suitable for dispersion liquids with a dynamic viscosity of up to approx. 75 mPas, such as sunflower oil. Therefore it can be used for wet dispersion and measuring for example of chocolate.

Coffret ultrasons et accessories

Ultrasonic box for Laser Particle Sizer Analysette 22 for dispersion with ultrasonic output

Notre puissant coffret ultrasons est simplement inséré dans le système de circulation des échantillons. Nous proposons deux modèles avec différentes tensions.

CHOISISSEZ Coffret ultrasons

Coffret Ultrasons et accessoires

Ultrasonic box for 200-240 V/1~
N° 22.9270.00
Ultrasonic box for 200-240 V/1~

for dispersion with ultrasonic with max. 50 Watt ultrasonic output,
variably adjustable for 200-240 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, 60 Watt

If you measure sample material frequently that tends to agglomerate, you can equip your ANALYSETTE  additionally with a powerful ultrasonic box which is simply inserted into the sample circulation system. It allows for an even finer adjustment of the wet dispersion to the respective sample material and operates extremely quietly with less than 45 dB.

All parts inside the ultrasonic box, which come into contact with the dispersion medium are made of high-quality stainless steel 316Land FFKM.

Ultrasonic box for 100-120 V/1~
N° 22.9280.00
Ultrasonic box for 100-120 V/1~

for dispersion with ultrasonic with max. 50 Watt ultrasonic output,
variably adjustable for 100-120 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, 60 Watt

If you measure sample material frequently that tends to agglomerate, you can equip your ANALYSETTE additionally with a powerful ultrasonic box which is simply inserted into the sample circulation system. It allows for an even finer adjustment of the wet dispersion to the respective sample material and operates extremely quietly with less than 45 dB.

All parts inside the ultrasonic box, which come into contact with the dispersion medium are made of high-quality stainless steel 316L and FFKM.

Matériaux de référence et certificats

Matériaux de référence destinés au contrôle du fonctionnement à intervalles réguliers de l'appareil de mesure granulométrique à laser. Les matériaux de référence proposés par FRITSCH sont livrés avec des instructions précises de dispersion et de mesure, et accompagnés d'un certificat qui mentionne la limite supérieure et la limite inférieure de granulométrie devant résulter de la mesure. Ces valeurs limite ont été déterminées avec une méthode internationalement reconnue (NIST-traceable).


Matériaux de référence certifiés (NIST-traceable) pour vérification (Performance Verification) selon ISO 13320

test powder for dry dispersion, 50 - 350 µm
N° 85.2230.00
Test powder for dry dispersion, 50 - 350 <span class="to-lower">µm</span>

Test powder for dry dispersion, 50 - 350 µm (box with 10 single-shots 5 g) certified reference material for performance verification of the FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22, which are used for dry dispersion and for calibration according to ISO 13320 in regard to repeatability and reproducibility.
The test powder for dry dispersion is delivered in a box with 10 single-shots 5 g.
Also a test powder for wet dispersion, as well as test suspensions for the inspection of the measurement precision are offered.

Test set for wet dispersion
N° 85.2002.00

Box with FRITSCH-test powder F-500 for 0.5 - 50 μm (50 g), 3 single-shots test powder 10 - 100 μm (0.5 g), 3 single-shots test suspension nano (approx. 200 nm) for system check (5 ml), 3 single-shots test suspension1 μm for system check (5 ml), 3 single-shots test suspension 10 μm forsystem check (5 ml).

test powder for wet dispersion, 10 - 100 µm
N° 85.2220.00
Test powder for wet dispersion, 10 - 100 <span class="to-lower">µm</span>

Test powder for wet dispersion, 10 - 100 µm (Box with 10 single-shots 0.5 g), certified reference material for performance verification of the FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22, which are used for wet dispersion and for calibration according to ISO 13320 in regard to repeatability and reproducibility.
The test powder for wet dispersion is delivered in a box with 10 single-shots 0.5 g.
Also test suspensions for the inspection of the measurement precision are offered.

test suspension nano (approx. 200 nm) for system check
N° 85.2240.00
Test suspension nano (approx. 200 <span class="to-lower">nm</span>) for system check

Test suspension nano (approx. 200 nm) for system check (box with 10 single-shots 5 ml) for the inspection of the measurement precision of the FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22, which are used for wet dispersion.
The test suspension nano for system check for wet dispersion is delivered in a box with 10 single-shots 5 ml.
Additional test suspensions for inspection of the measurement precision, as well as test powders for the calibration of the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 according to ISO 13320 in regard to repeatability and reproducibility are also offered.  

test suspension 1 µm for system check
N° 85.2250.00
Test suspension 1 <span class="to-lower">µm</span> for system check

Test suspension 1 µm for system check (Box with 10 single-shots 5 ml) for inspection of the measurement precision of the FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22, which are used for wet dispersion.
The test suspension 1 µm for system check for wet dispersion is delivered in a box with 10 single-shots 5 ml.
Additional test suspensions for inspection of the measurement precision as well as test powders for the calibration of the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYETTE 22 according to ISO 13320 in regard to repeatability and reproducibility are also offered.

test suspension 10 µm for system check
N° 85.2260.00
Test suspension 10 <span class="to-lower">µm</span> for system check

Test suspension 10 µm for system check (Box with 10 single-shots 5 ml) for inspection of the measurement precision of the FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22, which are used for wet dispersion.
The test suspension 10 µm for system check for wet dispersion is delivered in a box with 10 single-shots 5 ml.
Additional test suspensions for inspection of the measurement precision, as well as test powders for the calibration of the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 according to ISO 13320 in regard to repeatability and reproducibility are also offered.

Matériaux de référence FRITSCH selon ISO 13320

FRITSCH-test powder F-70, 10 - 600 µm, for dry dispersion
N° 85.2110.00
FRITSCH-test powder F-70, 10 - 600 <span class="to-lower">µm</span>, for dry dispersion

For calibration of the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 for dry dispersion within the framework of a test equipment monitoring system as per ISO 13320.
The cost-efficient alternative (non-certified reference materials) for regular inspection of your Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22.
The FRITSCH-test powder F-70, 10 - 600 µm is delivered in a handy 150 g bottle.

FRITSCH-test powder F-500, 0.5 - 50 µm, for wet and dry dispersion
N° 85.2100.00
FRITSCH-test powder F-500, 0.5 - 50 <span class="to-lower">µm</span>, for wet and dry dispersion

For calibration of the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 for wet dispersion within the framework of a test equipment monitoring system as per ISO 13320.
The cost-efficient alternative (non-certified reference materials) for regular inspection of your Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22.
The FRITSCH-test powder F-500, 0.5 - 50 µm is delivered in a handy 50 g bottle.


IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format – implementation by customer)
N° 96.0070.00

Set of IQ/OQ blank forms (questionnaire format – implementation by customer – standards not
Certificates for testing according to ISO 13320 on request.

Pièces de rechange pour unité de dispersion par voie sèche et humide

Pièces de rechange telles que les verres des cellules de mesure pour l'unité de dispersion par voie sèche et humide.

Tuyaux et garnitures sur demande.

CHOISISSEZ Pièces de rechange

Verres de rechange pour les cellules de mesure

Measuring cell glass cpl. 4.65 mm for dry measuring cell
N° 22.9355.00

Replacement dry measuring cell glas cpl. 4.65 mm for inserting into the flow measuring cell of the dry dispersion unit 22.9300.00.

Easy cleaning and exchange of the measuring cell
The measuring cell for the ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT is simply inserted from the front into the instrument as a practical cartridge and can be opened without tools with an eccentric lock. Its cleaning is quite convenient by an easily re-insertable outer seal. And also the exchange of the measuring cell glasses can be done any time completely uncomplicated.

Measuring cell glass 4 mm for flow measuring cell
N° 22.9251.26

Replacement flow measuring cell glass 4 mm for inserting into the flow measuring cell of the wet dispersion unit 22.9200.00.

Easy cleaning and exchange of the measuring cell
The measuring cell for the ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT is simply inserted from the front into the instrument as a practical cartridge and can be opened without tools with an eccentric lock. Its cleaning is quite convenient by an easily re-insertable outer seal. And also the exchange of the measuring cell glasses can be done any time completely uncomplicated.

Jessica Seifert
FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing
Industriestrasse 8
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Téléphone +49 67 84 70 0


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